Most of us don’t plan for long-term care but the fact is most of us will need it. The need for long-term care can come from a sudden event like a fall, car accident, heart attack, or stroke. It can also come gradually from aging, or an ongoing illness. 70% of adults over 65 will require long-term care at some point in their life.
Long-term care looks different to different people as it includes a variety of programs and services to help meet someone’s personal care needs. This includes things like meal delivery, home modifications, transportation, caregiving, and residential care.
Americans spend over $475 billion annually on long-term care and there is often a gap between savings, insurance, and the cost of care. Washingtonians now have a way to help cover some of the gap through WA Cares. WA Cares is a self-funded benefit that is earned like Social Security. Workers contribute to the fund and, when needed, will have access to $36,500 for long-term care services. WA Cares lets you choose how to use the funds to best meet your long-term care needs. For more information about WA Cares visit wacaresfund.wa.gov or call us at (360) 676-6749.
About Northwest Regional Council:
NWRC has been helping older adults, people with complex medical conditions, and their families obtain resources and assistance that promote optimal health, well-being, and independence to improve quality of life in Island, San Juan, Skagit, and Whatcom Counties since 1971. For more information visit nwrcwa.org