Stand Down for Whatcom County Veterans
American Legion Post #7
1688 W. Bakerview Rd.
Bellingham, WA 98226
At this resource fair, Veterans can come by for information and free essentials from Opportunity Council and American Legion post #7.
Guests can learn more about Housing, Health, Social, and Veterans’ Services. The information available will include VA benefits and eligibility, employment assistance, a Veteran Service Officer, HUD-VASH supportive housing, and Ideal Option. Free meals are offered, as well as hygiene products, blankets and sleeping bags, boots, and more.
Free bus rides through WTA are available to and from the Stand Down with proof of Veteran status.
Please bring your DD-214, VA ID, or Veteran designation on your driver’s license to speed up registration.
For more information please contact:
Raul Patton, HUDVASH Case Manager Veterans Affairs
(206) 617-5529 or email at daniel.patton@va.gov
Cory Bryant, Veteran Services Opportunity Council
360-393-9308 or email at cori.bryant@oppco.org